Beyond the Perks: 3D Printed Food, Green Energy Incentives, and Green Transportation in the Workplace of 2045

How will climate change affect the future of work and talent acquisition? This is a question that many futurists and experts are trying to answer, as the impacts of climate change become more evident and urgent. 

As HR professionals in Hong Kong, HKHR has a keen interest in the both the future of work and our environment. As part of our “clue for Q2 series” we recently took a deep dive into both subjects to explore the interlink between them. In this piece we will explore some predictions and idea from around the work and see how we can apply them to our work in talent acquisition. Join us in this journey of discovering the future of work and how we can prepare for it.

Employment Trends & Future Roles

One key aspect in all of this is the recruitment of workers who have a deep understanding of
sustainability and circular economy principles. These workers will be instrumental in

developing and implementing new HR strategies and HR tech innovations that support
sustainable practices and promote a circular economy. New jobs that will be created in the
future of work might include:

Agroforestry Practitioner:

An agroforestry practitioner is responsible for managing and cultivating agricultural and
forestry lands to create a sustainable and regenerative system. This involves understanding
both agricultural and forestry practices, as well as having a deep understanding of
ecosystems and biodiversity. They also need practical skills in planting, harvesting, and land
management techniques.

Green Infrastructure Specialist:

A green infrastructure specialist is responsible for designing, developing, and implementing
sustainable infrastructure systems that support urban ecology and resilience. This requires
knowledge of civil engineering and landscape architecture, as well as an understanding of
ecological systems and environmental policy. They also need practical skills in designing
and implementing green roofs, rain gardens, and other green infrastructure technologies.

Circular Economy Coordinator:

A circular economy coordinator is responsible for managing the transition from a linear
economic system to a circular one, where resources are used and reused in a closed-loop
system. This involves knowledge of environmental science, supply chain management, and
waste reduction strategies. They also need practical skills in implementing circular economy
practices, such as product design, remanufacturing, and closed-loop recycling systems.

HR Tech Innovations for Sustainability

In addition to recruiting workers with sustainability and circular economy expertise,
businesses will also need to invest in HR tech innovations that support sustainable practices.
This includes everything from green office design features to personalized workstations and
advanced ergonomic furniture.

Sustainable Office Design:

Companies may choose to invest in sustainable office design features, such as energy-
efficient lighting and HVAC systems, green roofs or walls, and water-saving plumbing
fixtures. They may also introduce eco-friendly materials and greenery into the office to
improve air quality and reduce stress. Modular office spaces and furniture that can be easily
reconfigured for different needs may also become more common.

Personalised Workstations and Advanced Ergonomic Furniture:

In the future, personalized climate control may become more common in offices. Advanced
climate control systems will be able to adjust to individual preferences, improving comfort
levels and productivity. Additionally, mood-boosting lighting systems that can adjust the
brightness and colour temperature of the lights to create a more energizing or calming
environment may become more common. This can help reduce stress and improve the
overall well-being of workers.

Drones, Robots, and AR Technology:

Advancements in technology may also lead to new HR tech innovations that support
sustainable practices. This includes the use of drone deliveries and robot coworkers, which
can perform tasks such as cleaning, carrying heavy loads, or assisting with customer
service. Augmented reality (AR) technology may also be widely used in offices, allowing for
virtual collaboration and interaction. Intelligent assistants with advanced AI capabilities that
can help with scheduling, research, or data analysis may also become more common.

Future of Work – Incentives & Benefit

As technology continues to advance, so do the benefits and perks that come with our jobs.
In the future of work we can expect to see some truly unique and exciting benefits that cater
to our individual needs and preferences. Here are some of the unusual benefits and perks
that we can expect

3D Printed Food and Beverages:

One of the most interesting benefits of the future workplace will be the ability to enjoy 3D
printed food and beverages. Imagine being able to customize your meals and snacks
according to your preferences and nutritional needs. With 3D printing technology, you can
print a pizza with your favourite toppings or a smoothie with your favourite fruits. Not only will
this technology allow for a personalized experience, but it will also reduce food waste and
packaging by printing only what you need.

Green Energy Incentives:

As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, companies will provide incentives
for their employees to reduce their carbon footprint. In 2045, we can expect to see a variety
of green energy incentives offered at the workplace. For instance, employees will receive
rewards and discounts for using renewable energy sources at home and work. This will not
only help the environment but also improve the company’s reputation as a socially
responsible employer. You may even receive a bonus for installing solar panels, a discount
for driving an electric car, or a voucher for using public transportation.

Green Transportation Options:

In 2045, green transportation options will become even more convenient and affordable.
Employees will have the choice of using bike share programs, electric car charging stations,
or subsidized public transportation passes. These options will not only reduce greenhouse
gas emissions but also help with traffic congestion. Additionally, opting for greener modes of
transportation will promote employees’ health and wellness by providing them with more
opportunities for exercise and fresh air.

Clean Air Options:

In the future, it is possible that clean air for office employers will be taken into consideration
by potential candidates and considered a perk by many. Companies will need to take
proactive steps to ensure that the air in the workplace is clean and fresh. Air purifiers, HVAC
systems that filter out pollutants, and outdoor green spaces that purify the air will become
commonplace in the workplace. By reducing exposure to harmful air pollutants and
allergens, employees will experience better respiratory health, fewer allergies, and a better
mood and concentration. This, in turn, will improve their productivity and overall well-being.


The future of work is bright and exciting. By 2045, we can expect to see a
range of benefits and perks that not only enhance our work experience but also promote our
overall health and well-being. Imagine personalised 3D printed food that saves time and
provides healthier options, or green transportation that reduces our carbon footprint and
improves our daily commute. The workplace of the future will cater to our individual needs
and preferences, allowing us to thrive and grow as employees.
As Matt Ridley, the rational optimist, once said: “Free trade causes mutual prosperity while
protectionism causes poverty.” This applies not only to goods and services but also to ideas
and innovations. By embracing the opportunities of the future, we can create a more
prosperous and happy society for ourselves and future generations.
So, let’s not wait for the future to arrive – let’s take action now to shape the workplace of the
future. Whether you’re an employee or employer, start exploring new ideas, technologies
and benefits that can help you thrive in the years to come. Together, we can create a
brighter, more prosperous, and sustainable future for all.

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